Children’s Story Room

PLEASE NOTE: Due to COVID-19, the Story Room will be closed until further notice.

CazCares Food Pantry and the Cazenovia Public Library have created a unique partnership with their multifaceted Story Room Family Literacy Program, which operates on-site at the Food Pantry.

In the Story Room, staff provide language-rich guided play, as well as pre-literacy skills. The children are surrounded by books and print in a loving, encouraging environment while their caregivers access the food pantry and other services.

In addition, CazCares also offers parent education programs. Coffee hours give parents the chance to network with each other, to learn how to read to their children, how to help with homework. As a family center we’ve developed close relationships with many young parents who appreciate the support as they face the challenges of child rearing. Story Room parenting workshops are sponsored by such agencies as Madison County Head Start, Community Action Partnership, Cornell Cooperative Extension, and Cazenovia Public Library.

  • Monthly learning themes
  • Children’s book donations
  • Volunteer opportunities
  • Literacy program